Professor Vincent Anigbogu of the Institute for National Transformation once said, “Unless something is systematized, it is not reproducible”. Behind the idea of systematization is the creation of order. Microsoft Encarta defines order as an “organized condition, with items arranged properly, neatly, or harmoniously”. Mike Murdock defines order as the logical arrangement of things. In other words, order is placing things in their proper places. It is proof that some form working systems are in place. It is a key to peace and serenity. It provides a conducive environment for creative productivity. In addition, it saves time and energy.
“order is placing things in their proper places…It is a key to peace and serenity… it saves time and energy. If you are ever going to have order in your life, you need to get to work.”
The beginning of the year is indeed a very good time to look at the subject of orderliness. It is important to examine yourself on how orderly you are. Do you have a fixed place where you keep your car keys? Where are your certificates? Can you describe to a stranger in simple words how to pick a file from your study? You can multiply the examples. One thing to go with is the fact that order does not set itself. If you are ever going to have order in your life, you need to get to work. The year ahead can certainly be more fruitful if we do the needful to remove all encumbrances and disorderliness from the way.