In our previous meditation, we learned of Keisha Golden who stabbed her boyfriend to death over an argument about who would first use the microwave oven. Here is another pathetic story. A Texas woman, Senaida Soto aged 23, was arrested after she allegedly set her boyfriend’s house on fire. The arson was due to jealousy after discovering another woman had answered their Facetime call. She had assumed that her boyfriend was cheating on her, so she went to his house at about 2 am and set the couch on fire which quickly spread to the entire house. Though no one was hurt in the blaze, the fire caused more than $50,000 in damage to the property. Ironically, it turned out that the woman who answered the call was her boyfriend’s relative. Soto is now facing charges.
“The book of James has a wonderful code for living – swift, slow, slow…We cannot be slaves to anger and expect to align with the righteousness of God at the same time.”
The Bible has unflattering things to say about anger. Ecclesiastes 7:9 in The Message translation says, “Don’t be quick to fly off the handle. Anger boomerangs. You can spot a fool by the lumps on his head.” How true this is! The lack of restraint has permanently put an end to Soto’s relationship. The boyfriend now describes her as “my ex”. That is in addition to likely jail term or paying compensation. Her anger has indeed boomeranged on her. The book of James has a wonderful code for living – swift, slow, slow. James’ advice is that we be swift in hearing but slow in responding either in words or deeds. We cannot be slaves to anger and expect to align with the righteousness of God at the same time.