As the world increasingly witnesses the devastating effect of climate change ranging from drought to flood to fire, there is an outcry to take remediation steps from world leaders to business concerns. In response, many nations have pledged their cooperation to stem the tide and save humanity. Recently, a British-born Egyptian actor, Amir El-Masry lent his voice to the clarion call, only that he wants the nations to go beyond rhetorics to something more engaging. He said, “If we turn pledges into actual implementation, we can make a change”. Oftentimes, nations make pledges either about funding or other proactive steps but do not follow through. The gap between promise and practice is what Amir El-Masry tried to correct.
“The beginning of a new year is often characterized by people making different resolutions to turn a new leaf or achieve greater results.”
As with nations so with individuals. The beginning of a new year is often characterized by people making different resolutions to turn a new leaf or achieve greater results. Call that their personal pledges to themselves. The trouble is that no sooner than people make those pledges than they return to the rut of the past. For many, their lives are nothing more than a vicious cycle. They have the desire to change, but the strength for implementation is lacking. How can one bridge the gap between resolutions and practice? Firstly, you may try out having a mentor or an accountability group this year. Look for someone who will hold you accountable and check the progress you are making in those areas where you desire a change. Secondly, draw down on the grace of God. Admit that without God you can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible.