When I went to the United States of America in October last year, I bought three pieces of JLab ear pods. I made several attempts to pair one of them with my iPad via Bluetooth to no avail. In my frustration, I turned to the START GUIDE which the manufacturer enclosed with the pack. In no time, my iPad was connected. My initial failure was due to not paying attention to the manufacturer’s instructions.
“Giving attention to reading, hearing, and practising the word is a sure route to a life of peace and progress.”
In our text, God provided for a time when His people would request a king. The king was to have a copy of the law of God and read it “all the days of his life”. By so doing, he would learn to fear the Lord and be energized to observe His laws and statutes. Studying the account of the kingdom, we realize that the kings that took heed to this counsel prospered, while those who distanced themselves from the law not only failed but plunged the nation into idolatry. The Psalmist introduces us to the amazing power of God’s word. Psalm 119:11 calls it the antidote to sin. The same chapter of the Bible describes it as a lamp to the feet and light to the path. It is also the source of pure wisdom. Giving attention to reading, hearing, and practising the word is a sure route to a life of peace and progress.