A brother took me to Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, Georgia one afternoon to pick lunch. The drive-through line was long, but people were willing to wait. Then he drew my attention to nearly 10 other restaurants in the neighborhood that could hardly boast of two cars parked on their premises. He told me that people eagerly wait a long time to pick up their orders there because of their top-notch customer service. Reading up about the company, I learned a lot more. The founder was one S. Truett Cathy who was a devout Southern Baptist. His religious persuasion shaped their business philosophy. For example, the company’s official statement of corporate purpose states that the business exists “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.” I understand he tithed heavily. In addition, he made sure that all their branches were closed on Sunday. That was to give workers the opportunity to worship God.
“Never come under the pressure of the urgent and forget to make God your priority this year. Remember that only His blessing can make a difference in your pursuits.”
Our text captures the moment when the Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus with their wiles. They asked for His opinion on paying taxes to Caesar. He demanded a coin and asked for whose image it bore. It was obvious that it was Caesar. He instructed them to give to Caesar what belonged to him but added that they should give to God what belonged to Him as well. The founder of Chick-fil-A gave to God what belonged to Him – tithe and time. No wonder God distinguished that establishment and prospered it. Never come under the pressure of the urgent and forget to make God your priority this year. Remember that only His blessing can make a difference in your pursuits.