There are ways by which we can test for maturity in the faith. One is to check what somebody is giving up. Paul reasoned that when he was a child, he spoke and acted like one. When maturity kicked in, he gave up the childish ways. This is true of all who are maturing. Maturity is also measured in terms of developed capacity. When capacity enlarges, our privileges also enjoy an upward swing. As an illustration, all my children demonstrate varying degrees of dexterity on the wheels. It is only a matter of courtesy when they inform me before driving out any available car in the premises. The story was quite different some years ago. The custom then was to keep the keys to the vehicles away from their reach. Keeping the keys was not a show of hatred, but a protective step necessary to avoid disaster. The more they grow the more leverage they will enjoy. These days, it is a thrill to watch them chauffeur me on occasions.
…He is only waiting for us to mature before we can step into some liberty…If you feel like you are not enjoying enough of God’s blessings, step up your maturity drive.
This gives us an idea of how our Heavenly Father relates with us. If there is anything He is keeping, it is not to deny us of their usage; He is only waiting for us to mature before we can step into some liberty. Let it be stated here that maturity is not necessarily measured by the number of years that we have professed Christ. It is something we attain through conscious efforts. One of the means by which we mature is meditation in God’s word. Meditation is to believers what mastication is to cows. Through it we are able to absorb the nutrients in God’s word for our growth. In our text, Paul encouraged Timothy to give himself to meditation; as that is the way to make progress in spiritual journey. The same admonition applies to those who want to access God’s bounties reserved for only the matured. If you feel like you are not enjoying enough of God’s blessings, step up your maturity drive.