The Bible paid a glowing tribute to Moses as a man who was mighty in words and deeds. His greatness can be attested to in so many ways. Consider the fact that God knew him face to face. Consider also that when he died, God buried him and did not let the children of Israel know the site of his grave. I guess that the children of Israel would have made an idol of his tomb if they knew the place. So what accounted for that level of greatness and influence? There are several factors that we can identify, but we will limit ourselves to three which will form the basis of our meditation today and the next two days.
The first factor to consider is partnership. When God called Moses, he raised several concerns. One of them was who would go with him. The significance of partnership can be seen in Moses’ ministry. When the Israelites fought an unprovoked war against the Amalekites, Joshua took care of the physical end of the battle, leading the army in the valley. Moses, on the other hand, was overseeing the spiritual end of the battle. He had the rod of God stretched to heaven on the mount. Whenever the rod was held up straight, Joshua recorded victory; and whenever he let down the rod because of weariness, the Amalekites prevailed. The partnership he enjoyed with Aaron and Hur steadied his hands until Joshua was able to defeat the enemy. If what you are doing does not require the input of others, I doubt if that vision is big enough.