In 1986, the now late Reverend Arthur Hokett made an unscheduled stop at our Bible School in Kaduna. He taught many things, but one that made a lasting impression on me was when he said that “the natural tendency of fire is to go out”. It does not matter how big the fire is, it will go out if left untended. So God did not leave the fire in the tabernacle to chance. In the verse before our text, the children of Israel were commanded to bring olive oil for the lamp. Then God gave the charge of the lamp to Aaron and his sons to see to it that it burned all night long every day. Imagine what it would have cost Aaron and his sons to tend the light. I guess they had to take turns in the night, keeping vigil.
Neither can the spiritual light of God in our soul be left to chance. If you see anyone’s light burning bright, they are intentional about it.
Keeping aflame will cost something.
Any of the long list of spiritual activities that we engage in is a way of keeping the fire on. Attendance to church services, personal study of the word, prayer, fasting, and a lot more will ensure that the fire of God does not go out. When the fire is burning, our zeal for God is equally burning. In addition, a believer whose fire is burning hot cannot be a playing ground for the devil.