In the text before us, we have the first anesthesia administered to man in recorded history; and it was given by no other person than God. It is also interesting to note that the first anesthesia was given to birth the marriage institution. When God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, He decided to fill that vacuum by providing a wife for him. This He did by putting him to sleep and extracting a rib from him to make a woman. Here we find one principle for sustainable marriage – it is losing a part to gain the whole. Those who make the most of their marriages are those who routinely and willingly agree to lose a bit of themselves to gain something bigger. Selfishness and hoarding will kill any marriage.
While the incarnated Antichrist is not here yet, his spirit and activities are already being felt in our world. This is a clear pointer that we are in the last days. We must be watchful!
The text also portrays marriage as God intended – a union between one man and one woman. God set the tone when He brought a woman to Adam, not another man. Freddy Fritz captures the assault on this God-honoured institution in the following words: “A more serious assault on marriage has been waged by homosexuals who are trying to destroy marriage by redefining it. Instead of agreeing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman that is permanent, they argue that a marriage is simply a union between two (or more) persons.” ( on August 30,2012). The Bible speaks of the Antichrist calling the shots someday. Part of his agenda will be an attempt to change the times and laws. The law here is referring to the law of nature. Marriage between a man and a woman is a natural law. That is being redefined gradually. While the incarnated Antichrist is not here yet, his spirit and activities are already being felt in our world. This is a clear pointer that we are in the last days. We must be watchful!