One thing that the rich and mighty will contend with is the temptation to lean on their success or ability. Losing at this level will attract a curse rather than blessing. “Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord.“ Jeremiah 17:5 NKJV. Nebuchadnezzar brought a curse on himself because of this. He landed in trouble by attributing his many successes to his personal strength. He lost everything, including his senses, for a period of seven years. Compare the king’s attitude to another Bible character. Joseph was brought before Pharaoh to decode a dream. When Pharaoh praised the ability of Joseph which had been reported in his court, the young man simply replied, “It is not in me”! What was the difference between the two characters? Nebuchadnezzar drew strength from self; but Joseph drew his strength from the Lord.
those who would be blessed are those who draw their strength from the Lord…When you derive strength from man you will be left in the cold when that man withers away.
Our text says those who would be blessed are those who draw their strength from the Lord. What are the things that people like to rely on? Some people’s strength is in their wealth. Some others rely on their intellect. And many others look unto their connection with men and women in corridors of power. All of these other sources of strength have one certain end: DISAPPOINTMENT. The Psalmist says that those who rely on horses and chariots are sure going to fall; but those whose strength is in the name of the Lord will stand upright. The prophet Isaiah says all flesh is grass; and grass has one tendency, which is to wither. When you derive strength from man you will be left in the cold when that man withers away. It is only in the Lord Jehovah you find everlasting strength.