We have some things that the Bible described as deceitful. The wise man listed beauty in Proverbs 31:30 as one of them. What makes charm deceitful is that it doesn’t last forever. Beauty soon fades or is replaced by new ones. Jeremiah mentioned the heart as deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). In Jesus’ teaching, riches made the list of deceitful things (Matthew 13:22). One that is of interest to our meditation is sin. The writer of the book of Hebrews mentions the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13). The world has invented ways to make sin appear harmless. They have come up with trendy ways to describe what the Bible roundly condemned. People who are in adulterous relationships are said to be having an affair. Those who abort innocent babies are called pro-choice. The truth remains that God has not changed His perspective of sin or the ultimate reward reserved for unrepentant sinners.
“The truth remains that God has not changed His perspective of sin or the ultimate reward reserved for unrepentant sinners.”
It is clear from Bible accounts that God never treats sin with levity. None of those who transgressed escaped the consequences. Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it. The punishment was the loss of opportunity to lead Israel into the Promised Land. Saul lost the opportunity to perpetuate his kingship. In our passage David pointed out grief and sighing that come as a result of iniquity. It is still the same today. Sooner or later sin will cause grief. Added to the grief and the sighing is the failing of strength. In effect, sin is compared to a degenerative disease that kills its victim slowly but surely. The world has found cures for all kinds of maladies, but none can cure sin apart from the Blood of Jesus.