I love watching 5-minute Crafts. 5-Minute Crafts is a DIY-style YouTube channel owned by TheSoul Publishing. As of November 2021, it is the 11th most-subscribed channel on the platform. This and similar DIY channels reveal the incredible power of the mind. The creative ability of man is simply inexhaustible. Recently, I watched on a social media one ingenious presentation. Someone knocked down two kitchen lighters into their parts. From these parts he assembled two superbike toys. Those toys were a beauty to behold. Creativity is part of Divine nature given to man at creation. The heart represents a non-material aspect of man, and it is the seat of intellect. It has tremendous power for creativity. When annexed to God, man can use this faculty to carry out his dominion functions, subduing and replenishing the earth as God intended. But if left in its corrupt state it can work ruin through wicked devices. In Proverbs 6 the Bible made a list of seven things detested by God. The fourth on the list is a heart that works wicked imagination.
Wicked imagination is inverted creativity. Those with this type of imagination are a disaster to the community. Please note that there is a difference between having the heart assaulted by evil thought and sitting down to devise evil in the heart. Virtually everyone experiences the former. But if you are born of God you can cast down those evil thoughts and all things that are counter to the culture of God introduced to you at new birth. You are not necessarily liable for the thoughts that crop up in your heart, but you are responsible for whatever you entertain. God hates evil thoughts and devices, because in many cases intent is as good as real action. The heart is like a spring; you have to control it so it does not produce good and bad at the same time.