While I was away in South Africa in July 2010, my last son requested that I get him a
console; PSP to be precise. For some reason, I didn’t. I returned to Nigeria a few days
before August 6, which happened to be his birthday but had not made it to our base in
Port Harcourt. When we chatted on phone, he reminded me of his request, but there
was still no commitment on my part. On his birthday, I called to pray for him and later
asked what he wanted as a gift. He did not think twice before he yelled back, “PSP”. At
that point, I knew he was serious. I had to move from Ikeja through crawling traffic to
Shoprite around Lekki. I got him the stuff.
“There are things that we ask from Him that may be harmful ultimately.”
Then the word of our text made a big impression on me. Jesus assured the disciples of
the Heavenly Father’s commitment to their welfare. On the basis of that, we were to
ask, seek, and knock. He further stated that when children ask for things from their
imperfect parents, they oblige them. How much more will the Father of spirits, perfect in
nature and unlimited in resources, give good gifts to His own children! Note, God’s
commitment to grant our requests is on the condition that it is good. The word “good”
here means that which is beneficial. There are things that we ask from Him that may be
harmful ultimately. In such circumstances, He holds back in love.