There are two important truths that believers must keep in mind in their walk with God. The first is seeking to understand God’s mind. Underlying this need is the desire to please God. It is inconceivable to please God without understanding His mind. By this we mean God’s will over every matter. This is one of the pungent requests in the Lord’s Prayer. He taught the disciples to pray that the Father’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Knowing the will of God is the first step towards doing it. Jesus exercised Himself in this consistently, as He claimed that He always did what pleased the Father.
“Those who learn the beauty of fulfilling God’s needs will never have their needs unmet.”
The next thing is knowing God’s needs. This will sound strange since we know God to be self-existent and sufficient. That notwithstanding, God has a vital need too. Human beings by nature are seekers. We are always in need of one thing or the other. A typical prayer list of a believer will be full of desires. While there is nothing wrong with this, we must never forget that God, whose benefits we desire time and again, is also seeking something. That is what our text of Scripture points out. God is looking for those who will worship Him sincerely in the spirit. God cannot worship Himself. A verse in Proverbs enunciated a powerful principle regarding this. “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.” (Proverbs 27:2 NKJV). If God were to worship Himself, it would contradict the tenor of this verse, and would probably alter the meaning of the word, since worship conveys the idea of bowing to a superior Being. There is no one higher than God. Those who learn the beauty of fulfilling God’s needs will never have their needs unmet.