On February 24, 2022 Russia unleashed their military might on neighbouring Ukraine. About a week into the invasion, a consultancy firm, Civitta and EasyBusiness, tried to deliver a rapid assessment of the cost of the war. It is estimated that Russia was spending about $7 billion dollars daily to execute the war. This estimate, of course, could not have captured the loss of human lives and properties. While reconstruction effort after the war will last decades, the emotional trauma on both sides may have to be carried by so many people all their lives. In real sense, no side wins in a war. Imagine that all this military spending by nations of the earth were put into research and farming! It would not be hard to say that all diseases would have been eliminated and no one on earth would either be homeless or go to bed hungry.
The Bible foretold of a time when military spending will not be necessary. What would have been used for stockpiling armaments would be put to constructive use. That is when the Lord will judge between nations. I believe this is the same time that Peter spoke about in prophecy. “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (II Peter 3:13 NKJV). Righteousness will be the defining characteristic of the new earth that God has in mind. With righteousness will be peace such as has never been known in the history of man. What should a child of God be concerned with presently? Everybody should be a peace ambassador. In your little corner, be a peacemaker. In addition, join the global train of God’s children in praying, “Thy kingdom come”.