This account was the second attempt by David and Israel to bring the ark of God into Jerusalem. The first attempt was disastrous. They had put the ark on a new cart, following the pattern of the Philistines when returning it to the land of Israel. As the oxen carrying the ark stumbled, Uzzah touched it to stabilise it and was struck dead on the spot. As a result, the king abandoned the ark in the house of Obed-edom for three months. David made a search and discovered their error. “Then David said, “No one may carry the ark of God but the Levites, for the Lord has chosen them to carry the ark of God and to minister before Him forever.” I Chronicles 15:2 NKJV. When they got back to the book, they found the proper way to handle the ark. It was to be carried on the shoulders of the levites and not any new man-made device.
Good health has a pattern. It is by following the pattern in the book that we can enjoy the blessing of God in our endeavours.
In our previous meditation, we established that God’s book is a book of purpose. Today, we see it as a book of patterns. Everything of God has its pattern. There is a pattern for marriage and family. Regardless of what the so-called “woke” generation has to say, God’s word on this institution cannot be compromised. Those who want the maximum benefits of marriage must look in the book and follow the pattern revealed. So with other aspects of life. Business has a pattern. Good health has a pattern. It is by following the pattern in the book that we can enjoy the blessing of God in our endeavours.