The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as our Helper. Specifically, how does the Spirit help us? He helps us by convicting us of sin. “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:” (John 16:8 NKJV). The influence of the Spirit over our conscience keeps us on track. Next, the Holy Spirit is the grand teacher. During His earthly ministry, Jesus had a reputation for teaching like no other. He taught with authority, unlike the scribes. The same attribute is found in the Holy Spirit. Our text captures another area of help by the Spirit – He brings all things to our remembrance. Essentially, He reminds us of scriptural truths for our edification. He reminds us of other things as well. I cannot fully recount how many times the Spirit has helped me to recover missing items.
…believers have no reason to be stranded. If we are not enjoying much help from the Spirit, the fault lies with us.
The dimensions of help through the Holy Spirit are inexhaustible, but one addition would be in order. He helps us to pray right. Therefore, believers have no reason to be stranded. If we are not enjoying much help from the Spirit, the fault lies with us. A verse of scripture will help us tap into the rich deposits in the Holy Spirit. “For He will deliver the needy when he cries, The poor also, and him who has no helper.” (Psalms 72:12 NKJV). Two things stand out from this passage. Firstly, we must realise that we are needy. Secondly, we have to call to the Holy Spirit to help us.