When it comes to technical jargons about social media and the internet generally, the elderly ones may have to defer to their children. I picked up some technical terms from my second son which has brightened my understanding of God. Sometime ago, I was out of the country with my wife. I was eager to get in touch with the children and keep tabs on things back home. Before I got a phone for voice communication, I was chatting with my son. On one occasion, I asked him to be online at a particular time the following day. He assured me that he would be. He actually told me, “I am always available even if I am invisible”! Now, that hit some buttons inside me. That is more like God, isn’t it? In our text, Paul describes Him, among other things, as invisible. Though He is invisible to the natural eyes, He is nonetheless available – always.
The invisibility of God makes faith an essential ingredient in relating with Him. This is why the Book of Hebrews says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6). While we cannot see God with our natural eyes, be reminded that the invisible things of God can be discerned through those things that are visible. We see the sun and the moon; the birds fly swiftly in the air. All these are pointing to God who is Almighty. In addition, we have the witness of our spirit which says that God is real. Hagar had an encounter in the wilderness and named the place, “Thou God seest me” Genesis 16:13 KJV. Even when clouds hide definite manifestation of God, you must live with the same assurance that Hagar had – “the Lord sees me”