The shunammite woman was full of faith. Three things attest to this. Upon the death of
her child, she did not look for pallbearers; she laid him on the prophet’s bed. That was
faith in action. She knew it was not over with the child, who we already noted to be the
heir of the family. Secondly, when her husband wondered why she wanted to visit the
prophet, she replied, “It is well”. That was a language of faith. On a third count, when
the servant of Elisha first accosted her she similarly responded with the language of
faith, saying, “It is well”.
“Those who know the fundamentals of faith do not necessarily deny existence of problems, but they have learned to boldly proclaim the solutions based on God’s word.”
Her faith expressed her expectation. It is part of the expression of faith to speak the
outcome irrespective of the present circumstances. Those who know the fundamentals
of faith do not necessarily deny existence of problems, but they have learned to boldly
proclaim the solutions based on God’s word. You may be surrounded by negative
circumstances, but look away from them and fix your gaze upon Him who has the power
to calm the sea. His promise is that when you pass through the fire, it will not burn you;
and through the flood, it shall not drown you. It is about time you filled your mouth with
daily confessions of victory.