The path to the throne is paved with hard work. This assertion is made clear from the passage before us. When Joseph went to introduce his father and brethren, Pharaoh instructed him to set some men over his cattle, but they had to be men of activity. By men of activity Pharaoh meant skillful, competent, diligent men. Lazy people have no place in kings’ alleys. You must have come across what is written about the spider who made it to the palaces through a dint of hard work. “The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, And it is in kings’ palaces” (Proverbs 30:28). A successful man was being congratulated for being so lucky. He never argued with them; but told them that he observed that the harder he works, the luckier he gets! May be it’s about time people stopped wishing for more luck and work more to be lucky.
Work is wisdom; and great work is great wisdom. Someone who shows diligence in what he or she does is already striving towards wisdom.
In yesterday’s meditation, we identified two things that will lead to acquisition of wisdom. They are efforts and humility. We also noted that God recommends the ant as course instructor in wisdom. Proverbs 6:6 deserves recalling here. We are told to consider the ways of the ants. The word ‘consider’ here is not talking of some passive observations. It simply means we should emulate the ants. One important area where this is necessary is in the industry of the ants- they work real hard. Work is wisdom; and great work is great wisdom. Someone who shows diligence in what he or she does is already striving towards wisdom.