It is a common item on the prayer list of those who are revival-conscious to ask for a restoration of the apostolic Church. People long to see today’s Church become a replica of the one described in Acts of the Apostles. What they fail to understand is that though the Church which Peter presided over was great and powerful, it was far from being perfect. The Holy Spirit did us a great favour by inspiring the writer to document the bickering among them as noted in this passage of scriptures. Otherwise we would have been picturing a perfect Church. It is quite interesting to note that the first recorded problem was about food. The Greek-speaking Jews had a problem with the Hebrew-speaking Jews because the widows of the former were left out in food distribution.
“Finally, no congregation is perfect. If you run away from one Church because of imperfection, you find yourself with a new set of imperfections elsewhere. “
Several lessons are tucked in this. Firstly, there will always be issues wherever and whenever people come together. Those who are not prepared for this will be surprised when things begin to unravel. Secondly, it is usually physical issues that boil over to spiritual matters wherever the children of God are gathered. If care is not taken, issues that began as physical may take on a spiritual tone over time. Finally, no congregation is perfect. If you run away from one Church because of imperfection, you find yourself with a new set of imperfections elsewhere. As a matter of fact, someone said that if you see a perfect Church, don’t join them. Being perfect means nothing is needed to be removed or added. Your inclusion will immediately corrupt a perfect church. However, such churches don’t exist. What you have to do is to team up with other believers to constantly work at improving where God has planted you. There may be the need for you to move someday, but that will be at God’s discretion and leading.