Moses was born at an inauspicious time when according to the decree of the Pharaoh,
every male child born to any Hebrew family was being killed. God had proven Himself
faithful by multiplying the Israelites just as He promised. The king of Egypt became
fearful of being beaten in the event of an outbreak of war. His pre-emptive strike was to
decimate those who would constitute the future of Israel. The maternal instinct of
Moses’ mother kicked in at that point in time. She found a way to beat the decree and
succeeded in hiding her child in the house for three months until it became
impracticable to do so. From there she devised another ingenious way of planting him
by the river bank until Pharaoh’s daughter picked and nursed him as her own.
“Grace is not designed for the lazy; grace functions best when the right efforts are put in place.”
Moses went on to become a mighty prophet of God. What if the woman did not make
any effort? What if she concluded from the beginning that the child would eventually be
killed and so no point to protect him? She knocked out all the “what ifs” and gave it her
best shot. God picked up the rest. It is often the case that if people will do all they can in
a given situation, God will do what they can’t. Grace is not designed for the lazy; grace
functions best when the right efforts are put in place.