A pungent line in the Lord’s Prayer has to do with temptation. Jesus taught the disciples to pray, “And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:13 NKJV. For a starter, those who would overcome temptation must understand its dynamics. Here is a good place to illustrate with the story of the man of God who was sent to deliver a prophetic message at Bethel. After delivering the message, he began his return journey through a different route as the Lord instructed him. Midway through his journey he was found seated under an oak tree. That was where a man who introduced himself also as a prophet met him. He invited him for dinner which he initially turned down. However, upon further persuasion he went and ate. He yielded to the temptation which would prove fatal eventually.
Prayer remains the most potent weapon to fight temptation. We must watch and pray.
Temptation came to him in an area of need. It is not far-fetched to reason that after the long journey, he was tired and hungry. It was only after Jesus had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights that the tempter asked Him to turn stones to bread. Satan brought that temptation because he knew Jesus was hungry. When you are desperately in need, temptation may be lurking around the corner. Secondly, temptation can strike twice in the same place. The old prophet was not the first to offer the man of God refreshment; the king did that earlier. Incidentally, when temptation comes the second time in the same area, it is more subtle and more powerful. Prayer remains the most potent weapon to fight temptation. We must watch and pray.