I read about the conversion story of a man and it is a credit to the power of praying without ceasing. The man’s wife came to her pastor one Sunday morning to inform him how the husband had been saved. The pastor could not hold back his joy because he knew her husband was one of the meanest men he had ever known. Out of curiosity, the pastor inquired how it happened. The wife explained that they had gone to bed one particular night when she noticed that the bed was shaking. Checking on her husband to understand what was going on, she found him in tears. Unknown to her, the husband had been praying that the wife would lead him to the Lord in prayer. He was saved that night. When the pastor further probed how long she had been believing and praying for the husband to get saved, she said for twenty years. Now, twenty years is a long time for someone to wait, pray, and believe; but if it is significant enough, it is doable.
Jesus spoke a parable in Luke 18. The very first line of that chapter introduced us to the objective of the parable – “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” Luke 18:1 NKJV. He wants people to pray without fainting. To give up is a temptation that every prayer warrior faces, particularly when the subject is protracted. You must resist the temptation to give up, otherwise precious hours previously invested in prayer would be a waste of time. When you take a burden or concern to the Lord, you are to stick with Him until one of two things happens. Firstly, you can stop praying when the object of your prayer has been delivered or at least you have received the assurance that the answer is on the way. In this case you can shift from request to thanksgiving. The second option is if the Lord asks you to stop praying about the matter. He did that to Paul regarding the thorn in his flesh. Outside these two, keep pushing in prayer.