When we pray, we not only admit our inadequacies but also invite the Spirit of grace through whom we can subdue mountains. Prayer connects us with the mind of God, so we know what needs to be done. However, it is one thing to know what to do and quite another to have the strength to do it. It is also in the hour of prayer that strength is supplied so we can go through. All these and more were Nehemiah’s experience. The second part of our text shows that the enemies were stupefied seeing what they thought was impossible standing before them. The intimidators became intimidated; because a man prayed and drew down necessary resources from God.
Prayer connects us with the mind of God, so we know what needs to be done…It is also in the hour of prayer that strength is supplied so we can go through.
Let us note that not all prayers count. Our text reveals the prerequisites to fulfill for our prayers to be effective. Firstly, offenses must be addressed. In interpersonal relationships, it is possible to wrong one another. Even when not on purpose, such must be confessed as soon as it comes to our notice. Secondly, we must avoid becoming self-focused in prayer. Those who make great impact through prayers are intercessors who learn to pray for others. Finally, there has to be the element of fervency. It is only when the prayer is heartfelt that it will receive an answer.