Sequel to Jesus’ humility and submission to the Father’s will, He was invested with a matchless name. His name is so much set apart that none can rival it – either in heaven, earth, or below the earth. Jesus, in turn, bestowed this name on the believers. He commanded us to cast out devils and surmount mountains in His name. His name is also our access to the Father. He said whatever we ask the Father in His name shall be granted. In effect, all that Jesus did and represented while on earth are made possible for believers through His name. The power of Jesus is present in His name!
Proverbs 18:10 gives us another benefit derivable from the name of the Lord. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” Considered as a tower, the name of the Lord becomes the place of safety for the elects of God. Whosoever runs into it will find deliverance. How exactly can one run into the name? Whenever we breathe the holy name of Jesus in prayer, be it on a telegraphic note or in full-blown hour of intercession, we are running into the name. A prayer of faith made in the name of the Lord brings full assurance of safety and peace. Perhaps we should close this with a final thought. Remember that Proverbs 18:10 makes provision only for the righteous to run into the name of the Lord. If we veer off from the way of truth and righteousness, we make the name impotent in our lives.