I have been brooding over a word in recent times. During a timeout with the Lord at a
Christian Camp in England, He said to me, “The time has come for me to prove to you
that none of your labours went unnoticed, and none will go unrewarded”. I have seen
amazing blessings since then. God will always reward us for our good deeds. After
enjoying warm hospitality from the Shunammite woman, Elisha thought it was time to
give something back to her. Here is the law of reciprocity at work. Paul said those who
receive spiritual things from others should learn to minister back with their carnal things.
We can say that the reverse also holds: if you receive someone’s physical or financial
largesse, get ready to leave a spiritual blessing behind. Life is not only about taking, it is
also about giving. Those who take without giving are exploiters. Such people leave the
world poorer than they met it.
“Determine to serve God to the best of your ability; He will figure out the reward that will suit you perfectly.”
It is not exactly clear how long this woman entertained the duo on divine assignment
before a reward was proclaimed. The important thing was that she kept at it; perhaps
just doing it for the love of it and not because she knew something would come out of
her service. When God was ready to reward her it was with something that all the
money in her world could not buy. She was given a male child when her husband had
become old. The significance of this reward was that God gave them a successor to
carry on with their family. Determine to serve God to the best of your ability; He will
figure out the reward that will suit you perfectly.