In our previous meditation, we saw the connection between taking heed to divine instructions and restoration. Hardly will you see anyone with tangible blessings without following instructions. Note that there is not the slightest chance of fulfilling an instruction of which one is unaware. So, we may as well trace the root of restoration to the ability to hear God. Whereas hearing may not be a sufficient condition for restoration, it is nonetheless a necessary condition. The good news is that it is not difficult to hear God. From our text, we know that God is constantly tugging at the heart of man intending to connect with him. Someone gave an insightful comment on our text when he said that God employs His voice to knock on our hearts.
“Following the voice of the Spirit will not only take us to the highest height possible, but we will also get there in record time.”
If we work at removing certain impediments, the voice of God will sound clear. By the way, several other voices try to gain our attention and distract us from the voice of God. The flesh has a voice which mostly hides under our feelings. Often, the voice of the flesh is poles apart from the voice of the Spirit. The mind also has a voice called reason. While the voice of reason could be helpful sometimes, relying absolutely on it is limiting. The mind is too small to process all the good plans of God. Invariably, we must fall back to the Spirit who helps us to fully understand the plans and purposes of God. Following the voice of the Spirit will not only take us to the highest height possible, but we will also get there in record time.