A typical area of concern for the children of God is supplies of basic needs. Even in normal times, people are often bogged down with worries, particularly parents over their children. Elijah seemed not dazed by such concerns in the time of famine. He confidently walked up to Ahab and announced that there would be no dew or rain in the land. The absence of rain invariably meant famine. What fuelled Elijah’s confidence that the famine would not sweep him away? Firstly, he must have realized that he was running errands for God. As we noticed in the previous meditation, he carried out everything based on God’s order. He must have realized that since he was executing God’s war, the bill will be handled divinely, and he was right. God’s word clearly states that no one goes to war at his own expense. If you are running errands for God, your supplies are assured.
If you are running errands for God, your supplies are assured. Elijah’s enjoyment of bounties amid scarcity can be traced to his ability to hear the voice of God. The voice of God is the fountain of all hopes.
Secondly, Elijah’s enjoyment of bounties amid scarcity can be traced to his ability to hear the voice of God. The voice of God is the fountain of all hopes. At the initial stage, he heard God tell him to go to Brook Cherith where the raven would feed him. The brook was to be the source of water supply. As our text indicates, he heard God’s voice on another occasion to move to Zarephath where a widow had been given the order to feed him. It is not enough to be on assignment for God, we equally must pay close attention to every word of the directive that comes from God. For those who meet these two conditions, there will always be a way out, though the means and methods may defy logic.