The Word of God is plain about something: A farmer does not base his operations on
convenience, he only does what is profitable, even if that will be costly. “If you wait until
the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest
anything” (Ecclesiastes 11:4, GNB). For example, you don’t wait for when it is
convenient to pray. You just get right on praying as the Spirit quickens you. Again, you
don’t wait for when it is convenient to love. Had God waited for convenience before
saving us, we would have been doomed. We are to work with the appointed season, not
a convenient season.
“You should not wait for a perfect time to do a thing; you just seek the timing that God has earmarked for it.”
Three things are essential for a rich and fulfilling life. Firstly, realise that God has a
purpose for you and indeed for every created thing. Without this, life will be an aimless
race. Secondly, realise that God has a pattern for everything He wants you to
accomplish. Every life that God allowed on the earth is designed with a specific purpose
and pattern. Following His specific pattern makes purposes glorious. Everything God
wants done on earth is to be a reflection of the heavenly pattern. Finally, there is a
timing for the plans and purposes of God. This brings us back to what was said earlier.
You should not wait for a perfect time to do a thing; you just seek the timing that God
has earmarked for it. Observing these three brings glory to God and makes your life