At intervals, I take time to check the stuff in my house, particularly consumable items. The is to identify items that are about to expire. For health reasons, expired items are naturally withdrawn to avoid food poisoning. On the spiritual side, hardly do things expire on their own accord, so we have to make deliberate efforts to set them aside. Such is the case with character defects or works of the flesh. In our text, Paul mentioned six things that must be confined to the past: bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, and malice. These works of the flesh and others that are not mentioned here do not expire on their own; individuals have to take deliberate steps to rid themselves of their stranglehold.
All issues of life spring from the heart. If the heart is not cleansed, it is futile to expect the delivery of what God has for us.
Doubtless, God has great plans for us. However, the flesh will contaminate the plans, delay their manifestation, or destroy them altogether. The flesh will always hinder the operations of the Spirit. To truly enjoy the best of God, we have to keep turning over a new leaf. David asked the Lord to create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him. This is an applicable prayer for everyone who longs to see God’s plan come to pass. All issues of life spring from the heart. If the heart is not cleansed, it is futile to expect the delivery of what God has for us.