Tony Elumelu, the Chairman of Heirs Holdings tweeted in his Thursday Thoughts on June 30, 2022 stressing the need to take the motive of running business beyond just profit. He said, “The old business model of a myopic pursuit of profit above all else is at best imprudent and, at worst, reckless in our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.” I love how one Johnpaul Obinna responded: “Although I don’t understand this but you are right. You always has {sic} been.” Johnpaul could not immediately decipher what the tweet meant, but based on Tony’s antecedents, he concluded he was right.
True Bible faith demands that we keep trusting and obeying even when we don’t have full knowledge of present situations.
Walking with God requires that we take some things as given. We must know beyond any equivocation that God knows and sees all things. He is love, and whatever He does or permits is being geared towards our utmost good. This was the frame of mind with which David related with God as we can see here: “Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things I consider to be right; I hate every false way.” Psalms 119:128 NKJV. He considered all the precepts of God concerning all things to be right. That was also the mindset of the disciples. At some point when Jesus began to teach tough stuff, many people did not understand and so deserted Him. He asked the disciples whether they would follow in tow. They held on to Jesus, not because they understood all that He said, but because they knew that He always spoke the truth. True Bible faith demands that we keep trusting and obeying even when we don’t have full knowledge of present situations.