In recent years, there has been an undue emphasis among many believers on how the enemies have hindered them from living the life of their dreams. This is completely unscriptural. It makes one wonder whether the victory of Jesus over the devil was a ruse. Put differently, one is bound to think about whether there is a different devil apart from the one that Jesus defeated on the cross. The plain truth that the scripture teaches us is that Jesus defeated principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them. It is from this background that believers ought to reason and function. If we discard the finished work of Christ, we will subject ourselves to a lifetime of servitude
under the cruel bondage of the devil.
“Note that God knows exactly what to do to change the narrative of our lives and turn things around to our advantage and for His glory.”
If we get our theology right, we will realise the incredible redemptive power of God. In which case, we will come to a settled state that God can find a use for the worst thing that the enemies could do to a believer. In the Old Testament, before redemption through Christ, a man knew enough of this redemptive power of God. Joseph’s brothers sold him; but God turned it around into a mission. Note that God knows exactly what to do to change the narrative of our lives and turn things around to our advantage and for His glory. Retelling Joseph’s story, the psalmist said, “He sent a man before them, Even Joseph, who was sold for a servant:” (Psalm