It is a rule of thumb that those who want to get ahead must be pragmatic. Unfortunately, it seems that most pragmatic people are outside the walls of the Church. Pragmatic people make headway, particularly in business and finance. Yesterday, we saw how a man turned flight cancellation into a global airline. Here is another example of turning disappointment around. Mary Kay once worked for a company at a senior level. She was involved in the training of a new male employee. When the man mastered the ropes, he was promoted above her. She felt it was unfair treatment and that people should not be treated that way. At that point, she got the idea to set up a company to demonstrate how employees ought to be treated. That was the beginning of Mary Kay’s Cosmetics. As of 2018, the company was worth $3.25 billion. That is not a bad ending to a disappointment.
For God’s children, our disappointments are not outside of His knowledge. He is omniscient. Also, He is omnipotent. He has the power to stop the disappointment in the first place. If He did not stop it, then He can make use of it. It is high time we believed the words of scripture that God can work all things together for our good. Let us learn to look beyond every disappointment, focusing on the ability of God to turn things around positively.