Jesus had an unorthodox approach to most of His acts. He healed on the Sabbath. That
was a sore point in His relationship with the scribes and Pharisees who served as
custodians of Moses’ heritage. They would rather have people crushed under their
heavy burdens of sicknesses and diseases than have them healed on a Sabbath. As far
as they were concerned, the Sabbath must be kept holy by doing no work. It was also
unorthodox when Jesus dined and wined with commoners and sinners. That also
enraged them. In addition to that, He manufactured wine from water and not grapes.
“If we are conscious of all the processes we would probably rebel.”
Perhaps the height of His unorthodox approach to issues was the way He healed the man who was born blind. On that occasion, He mixed clay with His saliva and plastered the blind eyes! That was not a decent act, to say the least. Plastering blind eyes with clay would appear as taking a ridiculous act to its extreme. The lesson is that we should not argue with God’s method, otherwise we will miss out on His miracles and blessings. It is for this reason that some of God’s works are kept secret until they are finished. If we are conscious of all the processes we would probably rebel. Imagine if God didn’t put Adam to sleep before ripping open his side!