After a series of preparations, I was taken to the airport for my outbound trip to Kenya on Friday May 6, 2022. At the check-in counter, the first thing requested of me was the result of my Covid-19 test. That was no stress as I had earlier obtained it from a government-recognized laboratory. It was negative. Then was the request for my visa. That took me aback. I visited Kenya on several occasions in the past and had always obtained my visa at the point of entry. So I protested to the airline staff. It was then she told me that the policy of visa on arrival has stopped since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. All entreaties to allow me to fly fell on deaf ears. I had to return home that day, ruminating on what had befallen me. I relied on what used to be, and never cared to find out if anything had changed. The big lesson for me is the continuous need for updates, not only for devices, but in all areas of life – the spiritual inclusive.
The teachings of Jesus at the onset of His earthly ministry are a case for updates. He provided updates on a number of subjects.
His approach was to show what obtained before and then present what is now relevant in the Kingdom era. “You have heard…now I say” was His typical way of showing what had been updated. There are no contradictions in the things of God, but there are updates. Unless we are keen to know Spirit’s updates, we will be glued to what God did as opposed to what He is doing now or what He intends to do in the foreseeable future. Failure to understand updates is often the reason for useless dogmatism that is all too common.