In our previous meditation, we commended the Shunammite woman for her faith which
manifested in speaking positively. Her faith was expressed in another way as we shall
see presently. Elisha first sent his servant to go and minister to her dead child but to no
avail. Yet the woman fastened her grip on the prophet. “I will not leave thee”, she
insisted. Her persistence was another proof of faith.
“We should be remember that an obstacle is not always the end of the road, it could simply mean a diversion. We need to fasten our
eyes on victory.”
Her action quickly brings to memory the parable in Luke 18. A widow sought the
intervention of a Judge who cared little about God or the feelings of people. She asked
the Judge to get justice for her against an adversary. For a time, the Judge could not be
bordered; but the woman continued coming. Finally, the Judge thought he needed his
peace, and that could only come if he settled the woman. He allowed justice to take its
course. The moral of that parable is summed up in the word of the Master. If the unjust
Judge hearkened to the woman, will not the righteous God hearken to those who call on
Him night and day? “I tell you that He will avenge them speedily” (Luke 18:8). This
parable teaches us the power of persistence. Many Christians give up too soon in
prayer and in the pursuit of their dreams. We should be remember that an obstacle is
not always the end of the road, it could simply mean a diversion. We need to fasten our
eyes on victory.