Two things will form the fulcrum of our meditation today. Here is the first one: for the very major purpose of God for your life, you can’t go alone. It was almost a rule of thumb for Jesus that every time He sent the disciples to do something, He engaged them in pairs. To fetch the colt which He rode to Jerusalem, He sent two disciples. (Mark 11:1). When it was time for their first missionary experience, they went in pairs. “And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits” (Mark 6:7). Doing this was not only a way of demonstrating the unbroken bond between Him and the Father but also to build a team spirit in those who would carry the baton of the gospel to the whole world.
The second thing to observe is that though you cannot go alone, neither can you go with just anybody. God who gave you the task will also show whom He has put into your company. Our text clearly shows how the Holy Spirit enacted divine partnership. Though Barnabas and Saul were called at different times and different ways, the Spirit of the Lord hitched them together. Here we have an alliance made by God for mutual benefit. Whether our callings have direct bearing to preaching the gospel or we are into ancillary roles, there are people that must necessarily company with us. If the purpose is from God, it is certain that there are people assigned to us to carry it out. In God’s kingdom, there are no lone rangers.