Two things are bound to profoundly influence the degree of our impact in life. They are gifts and skills. Gift could be spiritual or natural. A natural gift is innate, we just know it is there. Spiritual gift, on the other hand, is impacted through some form of religious procedure like laying on of hands. There are three things worthy of examination in our text. Firstly, we refer to Paul’s own spiritual journey. When he started, hands were laid on him before he embarked on his missionary trip. Years down the line, he was in a position to lay hands on others as well. God expects us to grow spiritually to a point where we become a distributor of the grace that we have received. The second thing is to examine the role of laying hands-on people. In other passages of the Bible, hands are laid to set people apart for ecclesiastical offices and healing of the sick. In our passage, it was to impart spiritual gifts. The important thing to note here is that when hands are laid, invisible spiritual entities are released. This is why you will be particular as to the standing of those who place their hands on you.
The final thing has to do with the admonition itself. Paul encouraged Timothy to stir up the gift of God in his life. Though the gift of God is never recalled, it can rust in life and become ineffective if precaution is not taken. Paul did not want Timothy to be lazy and unconcerned with the gift of God. Laziness, impure life, and the absence of devotional life are a few of the things that can negatively impact God’s gift in our lives. We should seek God’s grace regularly to make the most of His anointing in our lives. If we stir the gift of God, we become a greater blessing to the Kingdom of God and the people around us.