Healing from God is a good thing, but there is something even better – health. We need healing when we are sick, but God can take us to triumph over ailments altogether.
Healing from God is a good thing, but there is something even better – health. We need healing when we are sick, but God can take us to triumph over ailments altogether.
God’s word is a medicine cabinet! It has prescriptions for all conditions. In this verse, two conditions are identified with their respective recommendations. The first has to do with believers going through suffering.
No one said this better than William Shakespeare: “I’ll take thy word for faith, not ask thine oath; Who shuns not to break one will sure crack both”. Develop your brand to a point that the world will take you seriously when you speak, not when you swear.
At the end of it all, the tide turned! “Now the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters.” (Job 42:12-13 NKJV).
Whether against the Lord, His anointed vessels, or any other person in the family of God, grumbling has devastating consequences. Therefore, James warned that we should not grumble against one another so we will not be condemned.
When the harvest eventually comes, it is a happy ending for the farmer. The harvest justifies the waiting period. It will be no less rewarding for believers when the Lord comes.
Wealth gotten by the way of diligence and justice, and equally deployed to kingdom causes is a great blessing. This type of wealth is never condemned anywhere in the Bible. The trustees of such wealth are storing up for themselves great treasures in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus.
The grace of God does not say we should go on violating the moral codes; what grace does is to enable us fulfil the demands of the law supernaturally.
We are limited in knowledge. We do not have all things under control. We don’t even control the air we breathe. With so much unknown variables, it would be mere folly to put plans in concrete. The input of God who sees all and knows all must be sought in all our plans.
Slander cannot work the righteousness and peace of God in any place. James says those who speak evil of others are assuming the role of judging the law. That would amount to trespass – going beyond bounds. No one is qualified to judge the law; our duty is to obey it.