When it comes to planning, there are two errors to avoid. The first is having none at all. A general maxim that we hear often is that failure to plan is planning to fail. By this, we understand that success doesn’t just happen; it is made to happen. While it is possible to plan and not attain, it is impossible to attain without some form of plan, no matter how slim. The second error, which may be worse than the first, is leaving God out of our plans. Every time we set out on a course of action without God, we may end up inviting problems to ourselves. In Hosea 13:11 God said, “I gave you a king in My anger, And took him away in My wrath.” Why did God do that? They forced themselves on God to give them kings as other nations. “They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them. From their silver and gold They made idols for themselves— That they might be cut off.” (Hosea 8:4 NKJV)
“We are limited in knowledge. We do not have all things under control…With so much unknown variables, it would be mere folly to put plans in concrete. The input of God who sees all and knows all must be sought in all our plans.”
From our text, we see that James wrote against planning without God. Some business persons had laid out their plans. They detailed where they would go and what to do there to increase their fortune. The only problem was that they failed to factor in the will of God. James reminded them of that important caveat – the will of God – in man’s scheme. We are limited in knowledge. We do not have all things under control. We don’t even control the air we breathe. With so much unknown variables, it would be mere folly to put plans in concrete. The input of God who sees all and knows all must be sought in all our plans.