The ladder in Jacob’s vision had its base on the earth and the top of it reached the heaven. Angels were seen ascending and descending on it. The ladder was supernatural, because no ingenuity of man could produce that feat.
The ladder in Jacob’s vision had its base on the earth and the top of it reached the heaven. Angels were seen ascending and descending on it. The ladder was supernatural, because no ingenuity of man could produce that feat.
This terse comment sheds additional light into what made David thick. He served his generation. In other words, he paid his rent.
Responsibility is the price we pay for access and greatness. Nowhere is this more spelt out than in David’s story. Assuming responsibility was a great factor in what David became. It began when he was mandated to keep the family’s few flocks.
His Blood does more than cover; it cleanses and closes the case. As far as wrongs are concerned, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed eventually. To think otherwise is to dwell in a fool’s paradise.
God is known for many attributes. In our text, four things are attributed to Him – He is eternal, immortal, invisible, and wise. Let’s focus on His invisibility.
The application of this to real life situation is that, no matter how bad the season appears on the surface, it will not be without “good fruits”. There is always a witness of God’s kindness in all situations. Look out for it.
We cannot put God in a straightjacket, asking Him to meet our needs certain way. Always be open in your mind for the uncommon acts of God.
The word manifest means to exhibit. Jesus wants to exhibit His name and worth in whosoever is willing. There is a condition to make this all work out: we need to love Him supremely.
For us thanksgiving is not just acknowledgment of what God has done, it is our duty and calling. Understandably, our text enjoins us to give thanks continually, much the same way the sacrifices in the Old Testament were perpetual.
The good thing is all believers have been made into a nation of priests. We can all offer sacrifice to God by giving thanks and praises to His holy name.