By thanking the Lord, he gained access into more of God’s goodness. Ingratitude will shut the door of blessings, but gratitude will give you access to more.
By thanking the Lord, he gained access into more of God’s goodness. Ingratitude will shut the door of blessings, but gratitude will give you access to more.
Hasn’t the Bible declared that the eyes of God run to and fro the entire earth? If we don’t make adjustment, it is not that God is not following; it is failure to recognise it.
One thing is clear though; that is, even when we sit down because we feel the weight of life’s problems and responsibilities, His eyes are still following us. His mercies can reach out to us and change our perspective and experience.
A man is probably not better than the caliber of close association that he keeps. Those who want to please the Lord must be circumspect about people they allow into their lives.
And what a blessed hope to know that at an appointed time He will come again, and change our vile body into His own glorious, resurrected body.
In a layman’s language, we can call it the help before the help! It boils down to saying that we cannot exercise any of the numerous spiritual blessings without divine assistance.
In the days that we are living in, we need to trust God to make us more sensitive every day and trust Him for grace to follow only the leading of the Spirit. As we do, we will find the Lord to be a shield just as the psalmist did.
The champion from the camp of the Philistines wanted to intimidate him to submission, but “David went on”. Right after his victory, he was dragged into a long drawn war with his boss and King of Israel because of rivalry, but “David went on”.
As long as we keep solving problems or adding value, we will stand before kings and never lose our relevance.
So other forms of quotient have joined the fray. It is not uncommon to now hear about Emotional Quotient. There is also Relationship Quotient, which describes how successful someone would be at relationships.