When Hannah prayed, she activated God’s compensation plan. Yes, it is by prayer that God’s plan is activated. This reminds us of Joseph M. Scriven’s song, WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS.
When Hannah prayed, she activated God’s compensation plan. Yes, it is by prayer that God’s plan is activated. This reminds us of Joseph M. Scriven’s song, WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS.
God has a compensation plan in place for people when they are mistreated. However, the snag is that not many people have the patience to wait for His plan. They often prefer to take the laws into their own hands.
Being little can breed feeling of insignificance or even depression, if it is not well handled. What we must know is that God can make something significant out of seemingly ordinary life. When God is added to your little, significance is the result.
Which of God’s titles or descriptions do you fancy the most? Well, all of them are significant but you may wish to consider this: THE MOST HIGH. That has already surpassed the most superlative description you could get from human tongue.
We cannot continue to bring reputational damage to the name of the Lord and at the same time expect answers when we pray. Only those who hallow the name of the Lord in words and conduct can reap the blessing.
Prayer connects us with the mind of God, so we know what needs to be done. However, it is one thing to know what to do and quite another to have the strength to do it. It is also in the hour of prayer that strength is supplied so we can go through.
Though he was a careful planner and manager, his main strength was derived from his prayer life. Nehemiah had just one response to all that the enemies threw at him — prayer. When he was ridiculed and dismissed with a wave of hand, he prayed.
Such confidence can only come from a deep knowledge of God. So great was the knowledge of this apostle that God had to keep him in check with a thorn in his flesh, something to remind him that he was still human after all.
Among other things, spiritual growth is always marked by advancement in the knowledge of God. The more we grow in God, the better we understand His operations.