God’s word in several portions emphasises the importance of spiritual growth. Among other things, spiritual growth is always marked by advancement in the knowledge of God. The more we grow in God, the better we understand His operations. We frustrate God when we don’t understand His ways. Frankly, there is no one as misunderstood as God. People misunderstand His person; that’s why many build and worship images. Yet those things are no more than what they are called – images. Those who set them up follow what image of God they have painted in their mind.
We frustrate God when we don’t understand His ways…Those who do not understand God’s timing will be restless and seek to get things done before the right time.
Apart from His person, many also misunderstand God’s power. They do not know He has power to move the mountains of their lives and cause the wilderness to spring forth with water. As a result, they seek extra support from other powers. There is another extreme to this. Some who believe He is powerful want to turn Him into a robot, to serve all of their whims. Thus, they fail to understand the purpose of His power. Finally, there is the problem of misunderstanding His timing. They asked Jesus whether He would restore the kingdom to Israel at that time. His answer is found in Acts 1:7, – “And he said unto them; it is not for you to know the times, or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” God is the timekeeper of the universe, and our times are in His hands as well. Those who do not understand God’s timing will be restless and seek to get things done before the right time.