The Bible makes it plain that God delights to answer our prayers. Isaiah said His ears are not deaf that He cannot hear; neither is His hand short that He cannot save.
The Bible makes it plain that God delights to answer our prayers. Isaiah said His ears are not deaf that He cannot hear; neither is His hand short that He cannot save.
There is a level of self-care that is not only reasonable but expected. If the body breaks down the mandate will definitely suffer.
Great men are like everyone else. Successful people in business and ministry do have their moments of doubt. They come to their wit’s end, not knowing exactly what to do or where to turn.
In recent times, there has been a revival of interest in the prophetic ministry. However, many people have their theology about it skewed. Many like to think that for something to be prophetic, it has to be weird.
What we need to bear in mind is that God’s reward will not all be cast in monetary or material terms.
When God offers you a new route, go; even if it does not measure up to what you consider normal by human standard.
He commanded the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That is what we have come to know as the Great Commission. This is the greatest work of all.
By extension, we must take heed to whom we listen to as well. Inspiration can be destroyed by words. To be high on inspiration, we need to be selective of what and who we hear.
In plain language, the hand of the Lord means the Spirit of the Lord. That was the secret of Elijah who outran Ahab. The secret to the supernatural acts in our lives and work still remains the Spirit of the Lord.
Jesus gave assurances of protection to His disciples when He sent them to preach. His illustration was apt. The sparrows are two a dime.