Soon enough, you will encounter God’s mercy in new ways that will make for current testimonies.
Soon enough, you will encounter God’s mercy in new ways that will make for current testimonies.
The grace of God can turn what is ordinary into extraordinary. When the grace of God locates a man, honour, among other things, begins to manifest.
Unless we control what we think, it is a lost cause trying to control what we say and do. Moreover, what we think about is also furnished by what we let into our minds via the eye and ear gates.
It is our responsibility to say no with all the firmness we can muster…We must be steadfast in the way of truth.
Discretion, indeed, is the better part of valour. A valiant man without discretion may cut short his life.
The safeguard against a tragic end is to deal with little foxes as they come. We must conquer temptation before it becomes a sin.
Coming to Christ introduces us to a new life completely. We cross from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God’s dear Son.
Prospering with our spiritual gifts begins with discovering them. So, how do we uncover our gifts?
What a relief to know that as children we are never a burden to God! We can find rest from cruel labours in Him.
If anything is contesting with your first love for God, this is the time to make adjustments and return to Him.