If we are not enjoying divine secrets as much, it must be that we are not asking enough.
If we are not enjoying divine secrets as much, it must be that we are not asking enough.
True obedience is both prompt and total, and this is how the fullness of blessings come our way.
In the light of these many ministries of the Holy Spirit, Paul’s admonition that we should not quench the Spirit makes sense.
Your inheritance is limited by the extent of your revelation of Kingdom realities. It’s about time you rose above your ignorance.
Knowing what your anointing is will require that you check those things that occupy your dream at night and constitute your waking thoughts in the morning.
When next you have some money to invest, ask God to show you the field He has chosen for the money. Mind you, the chosen field is the blessed field.
The ninth commandment says that we should not bear false witness against a neighbour. Invariably, this commandment forbids lying.
But that is exactly where the issue is: Good things may not always be God’s things.
When David spoke in the words of our text that God “guards all that is mine”, he knew exactly what he was saying.
Genuine leaders don’t tend to replace God in people’s life; they encourage intimate fellowship between them and their Creator.