Those who take stand for the truth, not minding to be odd, present themselves unto God for higher service.
Those who take stand for the truth, not minding to be odd, present themselves unto God for higher service.
Psalm 19 talks of the heavens declaring the glory of God and the firmament His handiwork. Man is not to be left out in this noble enterprise.
The Bible encourages record keeping. In reality, the Bible itself is a record of dealings of God with man as well as man to man.
We are called into the same ministry; we are to give ourselves in selfless devotion to seeing others saved.
He came as a breath of fresh air, offering God’s life of love, peace, and joy. You will not find in any of the teachings of Jesus that He came to set up some religious order.
It was not until Jesus came before the universality of priesthood of an entire nation became practicable.
From our text, we notice a liberal disposition in him and this must be a part of our life as well.
God then cut a covenant with him and extended it to all his children after him. There is not a single thread in that covenant that promised infirmity.
Secondly, the gift of God in our life must never be discarded. Concerning spiritual gifts, Paul noted that they are given to us to profit therewith.