According to James, planning and leaving God out of it is not only presumptuous, it is evil. Deference to God in all our ways is deterrence to pride and presumption.
According to James, planning and leaving God out of it is not only presumptuous, it is evil. Deference to God in all our ways is deterrence to pride and presumption.
Genuine legacy comes not by seeking one for ourselves, but by promoting a cause larger than us. More specifically, an abiding legacy comes from God.
As we look into the scriptures, we notice that those who are anxious would press the panic button thereby complicating their situations.
However, the throne is not only known or described as the throne of grace, it is also the throne of His holiness.
Paul made it clear that the power present in believers is the exact one that God the Father exercised in raising Him from the dead.
Every purpose requires power to drive it. A purpose without the requisite power is dead on arrival.
Nothing gets accomplished until it is first purposed by someone. In other words, no purpose no progress.
His refusal to take honour emanating from man shows that that source is unpredictable and non-lasting. So it cannot be regarded as true honour.
The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as our Helper. Specifically, how does the Spirit help us? He helps us by convicting us of sin.
Secondly, unless we are willing to do what we have never done, go to where we have never gone and meet those who we have never met before, we may fall short of reaching new frontiers in life.